Can You Add Apple CarPlay To Your Motorcycle?
We live in a technology-driven world, and most of the time, those new-fangled gadgets trickle down into the motorcycles we ride. Often, that makes for faster, better, and safer bikes, but if the two-wheeled market has one blind spot, it’s the lack of native Apple CarPlay and Android Auto support in our infotainment systems. Instead, we are often forced to use many proprietary applications to accommodate mobile integration, and their performance leaves a lot to be desired. That leaves us asking, “Can you add Apple CarPlay and Android Auto to your motorcycle?”

Top 10 Motorcycle Apps
Whether you’re cooking, exercising or simply relaxing on the couch, apps often rule our digital lives. In this age of smartphones, tablets, virtual reality and a myriad of other electronic gizmos, all of us use apps at some point during our day. Yes, that includes while on our precious motorcycles, too. Two wheels may be a form of escaping the digital world, but it would be a shame to ignore the different ways in which technology can enhance our riding experience. Here we’ve gathered 10 apps we believe would be useful to everyone on two wheels. From finding great riding roads to potentially saving your life, the 10 apps we’ve included here should appeal to the wide array of riders out there. Users on an iOS device are lucky in that almost all the apps listed here work on your device. Android users are also mostly covered. Sorry, but if you’re using a Windows phone or some other OS, you’re largely SOL. Read on to see our 10 featured apps.