Church of MO: 2002 Suzuki SV-1000S

Oh, look what turned up in this morning’s search through the archives: a 2002 Suzuki SV-1000S review/Spanish travelogue by our dearly departed friend/former fearless leader Sean Alexander. Well, I mean, he’s not departed departed; he’s only moved to Hawaii with his lovely wife Natalie to live the good life – while we who must remain go on living just the same. We miss you buddy. Good times…
Suzuki SV-1000S: Fast ‘N Fun For Everyone
As I lay in bed waiting for 8:00am to roll around, jetlag tells my body that it’s midnight. I gaze at the mansions and yellow street lights outside my window and I’m anxious to be under way, but dawn breaks late on the Andalusian hillside. The air outside my window possesses that crystal clarity one associates with high altitudes and cold temperatures. I however, am scarcely 15 meters above the Mediterranean, in Marbella, on Spain’s Costa del Sol, winter playground for the rich & famous. Today’s high will be in the 70’s.
The itinerary calls for us to take a blast up the autopista (Spanish toll roads and freeways should really be called “speedways”) to the A376 for a curvy 30 mile ride inland, on a winding ribbon of asphalt over the Serrania de Ronda mountains, to the spectacular town of Ronda for lunch.
It is a good thing that the SV’s new fuel injection system, is seamless and linear, because as we leave the hotel parking lot, it becomes clear that traction management will be a valuable skill today. The pace is brisk and the traffic circles are dirty. 4 minutes into the ride and we’re warming the tires with a short, 210 kph (130 mph) blast down the autopista to the A376. The new Suzuki SV 1000S feeling composed and fun at the same time.
Once into the mountains on the sinuous A376, we spread out and get a feel for the handling of the new SV at our own pace. Mark Hoyer and Kent Kunitsugu are following me up to the first photo stop and I’m very aware that I’m the new guy and probably being critiqued by my peers, so I try to curb my usual stupidity. The 1000 is not unlike its famous little brother the SV 650, it turns-in well and feels fairly flickable, albeit with 60% more horsepower. We arrive at the stop behind a crazy Austrian journalist who is wearing blue jeans and slip-on knee-sliders which he has been using with alacrity. He passes four wheeled traffic with reckless abandon and whips his helmet off to smoke after every other 5 minute photo run. Most of us decide to give him a wide berth.
Between photo passes, the U.S. journos remark on how similar the road and scenery is to California. Spain’s drivers however, aren’t anything like California, some slow and some fast, almost all are courteous and un-fazed when we blow past. When it’s necessary to throw out the anchor for cars, cops or tight corners, the SV’s brakes don’t disappoint. They’re easy to use, giving great feedback and power, without noticeable fade, though I found the stock lever position to be a little close to the bar and used the widest setting on the 7 position lever adjuster.
When we arrive in Ronda, we’re stunned by the setting. Ronda is built on a high plateau, with the 330′ deep El Tajo gorge running through the center of town and an amazing arched stone bridge/fortress connecting the two halves. While at the lunch stop, I ask for more rear spring preload and a slight increase in rebound damping. The Japanese technicians are very interested in my feedback and quick to help with the fully adjustable suspension on the SV. Compared to the 650’s more basic setup, the suspension on the 1000 feels more buttoned-down and with some adjustment is perfectly serviceable for anything up to track-day use.
After lunch, I retrieve my tank-bag and camera, from Garret Kai. Garret is our guide from Suzuki America, babysitting the 6 U.S. journalists throughout this trip. He’s well organized and a prince of a guy, with the patience of a saint. I mount the tank bag and camera, while the rest of the press group rides away. Now all alone in Ronda, I set out for the A376 and promptly get lost while following a tour bus through the residential side of town. It gets stuck while trying to make a 120 degree left turn, between alleys and when I get by the bus, I find myself in a swarm of 14 year old kids, who are walking home from school. They seem mighty impressed with the rakish good looks of the silver SV-S and every one of them stops, cat calls, shouts, flashes a thumbs-up or pantomimes a wheelie motion to me. All I can manage for them is a sideways departure in a shower of dirt, because there’s not a shred of asphalt for at least a kilometer. I’m obviously someplace like Spain or Italy, because instead of spraying me with a hose, shouting at me or calling the cops, the adults along the street just smile and clap.
Once safely back on the A376, the camera shifted more than I wanted, because my tank bag was mounted in a teeter-totter position on the peak of the Suzuki’s tank. You have my apologies for the camera angle in the videos.
The day ended with another blast on the autopista to Marbella and an impromptu race was quickly convened as I assumed a full “racer” tuck and dialed up an indicated 258 kph (160 mph) on the digital speedo. That was the highest indicated speed I saw during my two days with the SV. Allowing for hills and some speedometer error, I’d guess the SV is actually good for something in the neighborhood of 155 mph flat-out on level ground, though one of the Canadian journalists later claimed to have seen 270 kph (167 mph) on a long downhill stretch.
Day Two
Sound asleep, after a late night at the “I Love Golf” bar in the hotel lobby, I’m awakened by the bleating cry of the alarm on my palmtop PC. Crap! I’m late for breakfast and have to scramble to get downstairs for the day’s 510km ride to Granada and back. Luckily I take few extra seconds to open the balcony door and check the temperature outside. Brrrrr, it’s at least 20 degrees colder than yesterday morning. I skip the stylish Alpinestars racing gloves and boots and switch to a pair of Doc Martens, insulated Tourmaster gloves, over-pants, long underwear and jeans. This will turn out to be a wise choice.
Like yesterday, the day starts with a high speed run down the Autopista. This time, we head east, towards Malaga. The crosswinds are gusting to about 30 mph, but the half-faired SV doesn’t seem too bothered and we make excellent time to our first photo stop at a small limestone white village, filled with tourist hungry shops, artisans, and a most welcome scarf and glove vendor. Dave Peterson from South Africa, (former teammate to Kevin Schwantz on the Suzuki 500cc GP Team) and I sneak away from the group and buy a 6′ x 2.5′ cotton scarf from the old man running the shop. It takes a minute to get him to understand that we want a pair of scissors, but finally he gets the picture and performs the handy two 6′ x 1.25′ scarves multiplication procedure for us.
The route to Granada takes us into a high mountain village, for a coffee and pee break. It grows increasingly cold, as we approach the village and the countryside streaking past gradually lightens. I assume it is just sand and rocks, but as I approach a 90 degree left, I have a small slide and it is then that I realize that the shoulder of the road is actually covered with a light frosting of snow. No wonder my hands are going numb. At the coffee stop, we’re greeted by a bunch of jumping and waving Japanese technicians, who motion us through a parking lot, in order to bypass a sheet of ice, covering the road in front of the Hotel/Restaurant. It is decided that we’ll take an alternate route to Granada, because the roads ahead become increasingly ice and snow covered. While the rest of the group is feeling like the Donner party, Dave and I happily ride with our faces and necks wrapped in warmth.
The detour route is a delight. Though still cold and a little dirty, it has wonderful scenery, curves and hills. We ride briskly behind our V-Strom mounted guides and a manager from Suzuki Spain, who is flogging the hell out of his 650cc Bergman super-scooter. Most of us admit to wanting a crack at that scooter on the back roads, because it is able to maintain about 90% of the pace of the SVs and V-Stroms, anywhere but the Autopistas. At the front of the pack, we strike-up a game of corner exit wheelies and the SV remains quick, willing, able and fun. The detour takes us to another of Spain’s Autopistas, where have a subdued ride through Granada and up the mountainside, to our lunch stop in the historical Alhambra.
[I can’t find any videos. You?]
After thawing out over lunch, we continue on to a photo-op with the beautiful Sierra Nevada Mountains for a backdrop. The 1000 is a comfortable bike in general, but as we traipse through the straighter sections of the countryside, I notice that I’m developing a case of monkey butt. Photos taken, we hit the Autopista for the commute back to Malaga at speeds ranging from a low of 170 kph to a high of 250 kph (105-155 mph) this is nuts, sustained nuts for over an hour. As we blast en masse through the scattered cars, I continue to marvel at the fanatical lane discipline of the Spanish drivers. It is seldom necessary to roll-out of the throttle for cars that get caught out by our rapid closing rate and I feel like the left lane has been reserved solely for us. Half way home, I crest a rise at about a
buck thirty and get nailed dead center in my face shield by a piece of gravel, kicked up by the bike in front. It sounds like a gunshot inside my helmet, but miraculously, the shield is only lightly scratched. Thank you Shoei, for making the GX-1 shield so nice and thick. It’s a good thing I forgot to pack my beanie skidlid. I’m starting to wish Id packed my padded cycling shorts though, because my ass is starting to feel like I’m riding a saw horse. The new SV remains perfectly comfortable for most trips, but after 100 miles in a semi-straight line, the soft seat padding on our pre-production bikes gets compressed to a sliver and your ass quickly begs for mercy. I’m guessing that Corbin will be doing a brisk business in SV saddles, if this isn’t fixed on the production version.
Exiting the final toll booth, one of our guides, Kenny Noyes (son of Dennis) does the most beautiful stand-up wheelie, near vertical for a 1/2 mile, on his V-Strom. This inspires many imitations, but all pale in comparison. That isn’t to say that the new SV isn’t good at wheelies, au contraire, it’s great at wheelies, we’re just not Kenny Noyes. I find that I’m glad to be back at the hotel, with its warm and comfortable beds, but I’m also a little sad to say goodbye to the big SV. The bike has given me the distinct impression of competence, in the same way VFR 800s and a few other bikes do.
In summary, I know this sounds more like a travel story than a bike review, but when it comes right down to it, the SV is the kind of willing partner that hums along beneath you, as wild or tame as you want it to be and lets you explore the rewards of a trip like this one. Suzuki calls it a “V-Twin Fun Machine” and indeed it IS fun. It is also friendly around town and un-threatening to ride, without being boring or dim-witted.
For those of you that must read specs and must know how the new SV 1000S stacks-up as a Supersport I’ll take a shot: The SV is moderately sprung, without being sloppy. It tracks straight, but suffers from a slight rider induced wobble at speeds above 90 mph. This isn’t a chassis or suspension problem, but instead seems to be caused by aerodynamic buffeting of the rider’s shoulders. A tight tuck behind the bubble will normally stop the wobble.
The engine is a cross between the TL 1000S and the DL 1000 V-Strom. Think TL-S with smaller intake valves, updated injection, ignition and ECU. It’s strong and flexible, with an 11,000 rpm redline. Even though the torque curve is broader and flatter than the old TL 1000S, peak power feels quite similar. Power is sweetest between 6,500 rpm – 10,500 rpm. From long fast sweepers to tight mountain switchbacks, the SV 1000 is happy to rail or point and shoot at your command, it does however, have a slight tendency to understeer when hard on the power out of medium speed corners. It handles mid-corner line changes and slippery surfaces, with a minimum of drama. The brakes are very strong and linear with good feedback and didn’t fade or otherwise display weakness, even with my aggressive and heavy self riding it. Top speed is probably in the neighborhood of 155-160 mph and the bike seems to be more than happy to loiter in that range, all day long. Though not intended as a race bike, this SV is plenty capable of holding its own with the other bikes in its class. (Honda VTR-1000F, Aprilia Falco, Ducati Monster S4, etc.) If you’re looking for an all-around capable, affordable, good looking sporty bike, that isn’t a torture rack, I think you’ll like Suzuki’s new SV 1000s.
SV-1000S Technical Highlights
Engine Features:
- Liquid-cooled, 996cc 90 degree V-twin, DOHC 4-valves per cylinder.
- 300 individual changes made since the TL 1000S motor. Overall peak power is similiar, but torque curve is broader and flatter.
- Electronic fuel injection system features the Suzuki Dual Throttle Valve System (SDTV)- to maintain optimum air velocity in the intake tract for smooth low-to-mid rpm throttle response and high torque output. Includes Auto Fast Idle System (AFIS).
- New high speed 32-bit ECM with 22-trigger pole rpm sensor, provides more precise control of ignition timing and injector operation for each cylinder. (The TL-S used a 16-bit ECM and 4-trigger sensor)
- Large, 52mm throttle bodies are fed by a 9.0 liter airbox with a flat-panel air filter.
- Semi-gear driven valve system simplifies maintenance and minimizes cam sprocket size and engine height for optimum engine placement.
- Shim-under-bucket valve system operates 36 mm intake and 40mm (TL-S was 40mm and 40mm) exhaust valves set at a narrow 29 degree included valve angle – produces a compact combustion chamber and 11.3:1 compression ratio.
- SCEM (Suzuki Composite Electro-chemical Material) plated cylinders.
- Six-speed transmission features a wide diameter, hydraulically-operated clutch with back-torque limiter system.
- Clutch cover includes a new large-volume crankcase breather system which eliminates external crankcase breather hoses.
- A compact oil cooler is included, in addition to the standard liquid cooling.
- Lightweight magnesium valve covers, ignition cover, and sound deadening plastic outer clutch cover.
- Stainless steel exhaust system with aluminum mufflers.
Chassis Features:
- Half fairing features dual 60/55W headlights with running lights and folding mirrors.
- Both headlights remain lit on low beam and on high beam.
- Instrument cluster includes analog tach, LCD speedometer, odometer, 2 tripmeters, temperature gauge, LCD clock and low fuel warning light.
- Steeply-angled tail section houses new 14 LED taillight.
- Narrow, lightweight aluminum truss-style frame is constructed using high-vacuum die-cast process for more consistent strength and fewer individual welded sections.
- Fully adjustable 46 mm, cartridge-style front fork with 4.72 inches of travel.
- Aluminum swingarm and link-type rear suspension features a fully adjustable piggyback style shock absorber with 5.12 inches of wheel travel.
- Under-seat storage area.
- Tie-down hooks on bottoms of passenger pegs and under passenger grab-bar.
2003 Suzuki SV 1000S Specifications
Type: 996cc water-cooled 90 degree V-Twin
Bore x stroke: 98mm x 66mm
Valvetrain: DOHC 4v/cyl 36mm intake, 33mm exhaust
Valve adjustment interval: 15,000mi. (24,000km)
Compression ratio: 11.3:1
Fuel delivery: closed loop fuel injection with dual-butterfly 52mm throttle bodies
Engine management: High Speed 32 Bit
Ignition: electronic, digital
Transmission: 6-speed, wet multi-plate clutch
Final drive: 530 O-ring chain
Frame: High-vacuum die-cast aluminum alloy semi-trellis with solid engine mounting
Subframe: Rectangular steel
Front: 46mm cartridge type; 4.72-in. travel with adjustable spring preload, compression & rebound dampening.
Rear: Link-type single shock; 5.12-in. travel with adjustable spring preload, compression & rebound dampening.
Front: dual 310mm discs, dual 4-piston calipers
Rear: single 220mm disc, 2-piston caliper
Front: 3.50 x 17 cast aluminum / 120/70ZR-17
Rear: 5.50 x 17 cast aluminum / 180/55ZR-17
Claimed Dry Weight: 417 lb. (189kg)
Overall Length: 83.9 in. (2130mm)
Overall Width: 28.7 in. (730mm)
Wheelbase: 56.5 in. (1435mm)
Seat height: 31.9 in. (810mm)
Fuel capacity: 4.7 gal. (17 liters)
Colors: Metallic Silver, Metallic Orange, Metallic Blue
MSRP: SV 1000 $7,999
MSRP: SV 1000S $8,599

More by John Burns
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Just sold mine. The range issue was just too annoying for me. If Suzuki came out with a new one I’d probably buy it though. After the GSXR front end swap and the Penske Shock, this thing tracks like it’s on rails. Very nifty machine, I just never bonded with it because of frequent mechanical issues that were more due to age than design, and I hated stopping for gas every 90 miles.
I remember an article in a British bike magazine circa 2005 where they tested an SV1000S against a GSX-R1000. The SV kept right up with the Gixxer until 100mph, at which point the Gixxer began walking away. Not many situations on the street require > 100 mph for much of the time, so the point of the article was clear. It's just too bad that Suzuki didn't give this bike better attention.