Gazebox Foldable Cover System

No garage for your ride? Here's a stylish solution
It’s on rainy, cold nights like this one that I’m glad I have a garage. Looking at your motorcycle parked outside as it’s pelted with rain, sleet, hail, mud and other unpleasantness can make you weep with impotent rage. Cover it? Motorcycle covers are a hassle to put on and remove. First, you have to wait until the bike cools to avoid melting the cover to the exhaust. Plus, they can blow off your bike, get shredded and messy-looking, and trap moisture underneath, which can cause rust and mold. Nasty!
Meet Gazebox (say “gah-ZEE-box”). It’s basically a giant, folding box for your motorcycle. An easily installed modular garage system, it’s a revolutionary way to store your motorcycle, car or other equipment. The unique design means your ride will be better protected from heat, cold, theft and punishing UV radiation, even without a garage or indoor storage space. There’s no need to apply for building permits, as Gazebox is a temporary, easily moveable structure, so meddling neighbors can’t object if you put it up in your driveway or sideyard. All you need is the space where you regularly keep your motorcycle, and Gazebox will –literally –have you covered.
Gazebox’s patented, Italian design is how it can deliver so many benefits. The zinc-plated, powder-coated iron and aluminum framework holds the UV-resistant polycarbonate panels in place. The structure installs in minutes, secured to ground anchors so it can be easily moved. The clamshell-like doors are easy to open manually, but there’s an optional remotely triggered motorized door system to make it even easier.
Keeping your bike safe from the elements is a big benefit. Gazebox’s unique design, with openings between the panels designed to resist greenhouse-like heat build-up, will also protect your ride from rain, snow, and dust. Unlike a cover, it’s designed to resist even extremely high winds. An optional fan system, run by external power or available solar panels is a good pick for those of us in sunny climes. And if you get a lot of snow, no worries; the shape is resistant to even heavy snow loads.
With an approximate 11′ by 6′ footprint and almost 8 feet high, the Gazebox Moto is big enough to store about any bike you can imagine, with room for you to work on your bike in a sheltered space. But Gazebox makes many other sized models, from one built for a small car to a giant structure big enough to enclose a swimming pool. It also offers models designed to enclose patios, balconies, and other outdoor spaces.
It’s easy to make Gazebox your own as you can order it in multiple configurations. The frame is available in a range of colors to match your bike, and you can order different colored polycarbonate panels as well as LED lighting systems to match your mood. Additionally, you can order vinyl wrapping in any color, pattern or style you can imagine, from carbon-fiber-look to wood paneling to brushed aluminum.
The Gazebox is ready to order and can be shipped to your door, ready to assemble with minimal tools. Pricing starts at $5,000 for the basic Gazebox Moto. Call (925) 215-7022 for inquiries within the US, or for international customers, call +39 085 856 9009 (they’re in Italy), or email, or check out more photos and videos at

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$5000 !!!! a person who can afford it can afford a garage.
Cool cover, looks like a portable enough to move to any location. Adding some mods for tool and stuff would make it more useful. A bigger version of this would be good for trucks. We installed the tires and helo wheels on uncle's truck project under the tree and we have to improvise for a cover to keep it dry as possible.