Great (Sport)Bikes of 1998 Quiz!

John Burns
(IC: employee)
Published: January 17th, 2018

John Burns
More by John Burns
Published January 17th, 2018 7:58 PM
Motorcycle Insurance
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Got 9 out of 10. I should have as I bought a ton of bikes in the 90's. As far as sport bikes, it went 92 GSXR 1100, 94 VFR 750, 96 GSXR 750, 97 TL 1000 S, 97 YZF 1000, 98 R1, 99 Duc 748S. Wish I still had the 97 YZF 1000, I just meshed well with that bike and could ride it much faster than all the others. R1 was an animal, but did not suit my riding style as much as the 97 YZF 1000. Memories of great times and having disposable income!
Also got a laugh out of the little holes on the 900 RR fairing. I remember some of the pubs back then writing about this with more than a little skepticism on the purpose.of said holes I think they were intended to collect bug parts and other debris and make cleaning your bike more of a pain.