How Long Will My Insurance Premiums Be Affected by Making a Claim?

Dan Kamionkowsi
(IC: employee)
Published: May 10th, 2013
At Progressive, our motorcycle insurance premiums are based upon three years of claims history. Many other companies also use a three-year period but some companies may look back further, up to five or even seven years. However, not all claims will affect insurance premium. For example, a claim which is filed due to an accident which is someone else’s fault will not result in an increase in premium at Progressive, nor will a claim filed for theft or acts of nature. Also, Progressive Motorcycle customers who file a claim with a payout of less than $500 will not be surcharged, thanks to Progressive’s Small Accident Forgiveness.
Dan Kamionkowsi
Motorcycle Product Manager at Progressive

Dan Kamionkowsi
More by Dan Kamionkowsi
Published May 10th, 2013 4:58 PM
Motorcycle Insurance
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