How Much Can I Expect My Insurance Premiums to Change If I Make a Claim - Say for $1,500 Worth of Damage?

Leslie Kay
(IC: employee)
Published: May 7th, 2013
Each insurance company will handle this differently. You should check with your motorcycle insurance provider to see if they offer small accident forgiveness and what the maximum claim amount is for this to apply. Some insurance companies will offer this option based on how long you have been a client. The longer you keep your policy the more benefits you can earn. For instance, Progressive Insurance offers a loyalty rewards program. If you leave an insurance company to go to another be sure to check what type of rewards you may lose. If the premium savings is small then it may not be worth it when it comes time to file a claim.
Leslie Kay
Leslie Kay’s, Inc.

Leslie Kay
More by Leslie Kay
Published May 7th, 2013 10:30 AM
Motorcycle Insurance
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