Top 6 - Best 300cc Motorcycles

What’s the sweet spot for small displacement motorcycles? Is it 250cc? Perhaps 400cc? Ask any internet forum and you’ll likely hear some BS like, 600cc sportbikes are the smallest I would EVER recommend for a beginner. Idiots. Darwinism at its finest. What do we think? We think there are a lot of variables to consider for this question, but the 300cc category is still filled with solid options of bitchin’ motorcycles. Many look at these small-displacement bikes as great options for beginners as well. Which motorcycle is best for a beginner? It all depends on what kind of riding you’d like to do. Any of the options on this list provide a great starting point for new riders. What’s even better is that there are plenty of great bikes in this category that spans multiple genres of motorcycling such as sportbikes, adventure motorcycles, and naked bikes. If you’re interested in entering the world of two wheels check out these great starting points.

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Best Cruisers Under $10,000

Although the cruiser craze of the late 1990s and early 2000s has long since passed, there are still tons of riders who love cruisers. For newer riders or those reentering motorcycling after a hiatus, high prices can be an obstacle for buying a cruiser. It doesn’t have to be. The staff at have always been fans of cruisers and what they represent out on the road. So, we decided to go deal shopping to see what new models could be had for less than $10,000. Note that all of these motorcycles are 2019 models. You can find some great deals on leftovers from earlier model years if you look around.

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Best Motorcycle Tech Innovations

What a time to be a motorcycle rider. Why, you ask? Because motorcycles today are faster, safer, and more comfortable than ever before. Moan all you want about motorcycles becoming too smart for their own good, but it’s this very technology that allows us to be faster, safer, and more comfortable. Today no one will deny the motorized bicycle being superior than the horse and carriage, nor will they deny the advantages of electric starters over the kickers of yesteryear. But it’s really been the last five to ten years that we’ve seen a huge technological jump in motorcycling. Here are some notable advances seen on today’s motorcycles.

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Best Beginner Cruiser Motorcycles

There are a variety of options to choose from when you think of beginner bikes, many of them centered around sport-type models or standards. This is often because manufacturers spend more of their marketing dollars hyping their beginner sportbikes or standards. But fear not, cruiser rider – there are great entry-level models for those craving the feet-forward stance. Here, we’ve gathered eight of those great choices for your viewing pleasure.

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8 Motorcycle Books We'd Like To See Made Into Movies

I, like many others, have rarely watched a film adaptation of a book that I enjoyed more than the book itself. Books give us so much more detail and let our imaginations run wild with interpretations of our own. We rely on the author’s creative prose to help us feel the grit of the dust that has made it into every nook and cranny of our being, to help us imagine the isolation one would feel thousands of miles from their home in an unknown environment, and the fatigue yet satisfaction of back to back days of hundreds of miles on the road.

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8 Ways To Spot Motorcyclists In The Wild

Spring is here, and the season for observing Homo Motorcyclismus, the North American Motorcyclist, in its natural habitat has begun. During the colder months, many will hibernate, but the sharp eyed observer can occasionally spot a particularly hardy motorcyclist braving the wind chill for short periods. Spring is the time when herds of motorcyclists begin to repopulate the roadways. Summer offers the prime time to spot motorcyclists in the wild, as their numbers are at the maximum and breeding season is at is peak.

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What's The Best Beginner Bike?

It’s a question we’re asked all the time: “What’s the best motorcycle for a new rider?” It’d be great if we could give the same answer every time, but in reality the answer depends on many factors – rider size, competency, wants, needs, and desires among them. Small displacement bikes are generally a good place to start, but read enough forum commenters and before long you’ll find someone who shares their tale of how they started on a literbike and lived to tell the tale.

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