Minnesota To Allow Lane Filtering

With the signing of HF 5247 into law by Governor Tim Walz on Friday, May 24, Minnesota has become the sixth state to legalize lane filtering. This move places Minnesota as the easternmost state to adopt this legislation, joining California, Utah, Montana, Arizona, and Colorado in allowing motorcyclists to filter through traffic.
Lane filtering permits motorcyclists to navigate through slow-moving or stationary traffic at intersections and stoplights, a practice expected to enhance rider safety. Nick Sands, AMA Central States Representative, highlighted the safety benefits for riders on Minnesota’s roads, emphasizing the positive momentum for lane-filtering legislation following similar successes in Colorado.
The new law, part of a supplemental budget bill affecting various departments, including the Minnesota Department of Transportation, stipulates that motorcyclists can filter through traffic at speeds not exceeding 25 miles per hour and no more than 15 miles per hour over the speed of the surrounding traffic. Authored by Sen. Scott Dibble and Reps. Frank Hornstein, Brad Tabke, and Erin Koegel, this provision will take effect on July 1, 2025.
The push for this legislation gained traction after AMA member and BMW MOA Treasurer Phil Stalboerger shared his personal experience of being rear-ended while riding his motorcycle. His advocacy, combined with support from the motorcycle community, clubs, and small businesses, played a significant role in the bill's passage. Stalboerger noted the rewarding outcome of grassroots efforts in promoting rider safety.
Additionally, HF 5247 includes measures to penalize drivers who deliberately impede motorcyclists, reinforcing that operators of motor vehicles must not intentionally obstruct motorcycles when lane filtering.
The AMA supports the legalization of lane filtering, citing its documented success in other states and various studies that demonstrate its effectiveness in improving motorcycle safety. More information on the AMA’s stance on lane filtering and lane splitting can be found on their website.
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As a rider that doesn't live in an area that has either splitting or filtering I don't understand how this contributes to safety when you put your fate/safety in the hands of car drivers. When I visit California in my car, I am unclear of what my responsibility as a car driver is ie. If I shift over a foot in my lane to miss a pot hole and I hit a motorcyclist passing me in my lane who is at fault? Apparently a motorcyclist can change into my lane and expect me to accommodate them, but as a driver can I do the same to a biker? Seems to me it is an accident waiting to happen and really only benefits the lawyers.
I understand the benefits of lane splitting at lower speeds but what I saw in California was Bikes going by me while I'm doing 65 mph on I10 or the 405.. To me that is just nuts. I have talked to highway patrol about this and they say it is just a judgement call versus a definitive speed above which they will have a "conversation". Since I usually have a rental I am paranoid about lane splitters for fear of scratching the car. As a biker I would never take those risks at that speed.