Head Shake - Bad Azimuth
Too long a sacrifice can make a stone of the heart.
-W. B. Yeats, Easter, 1916

Whatever: Moto Inequality
A few MO commenters are always encouraging me to keep my politics to myself, which I do as much as I can because I understand people want to read about motorcycles and look at pretty pics when they come here to get away from it all. The problem for me is that if you’re paying attention to your life, including motorcycles, politics can’t be avoided any more than you can just ignore the family of bears who just decided to share your campsite. Politics affects my bottom line.

Head Shake - Our Better Angels
In a little less than a month this nation’s most prolonged and painful presidential gestation period will come to a merciful end. Predictions of the impending apocalypse aside, I hope we will return to our normal state of disharmony and discord, the less consequential kind that can be addressed productively with a large Snap-On toolbox and a shelf full of shop manuals. We can get back to a world of fixing things that actually entails making something useful again rather than the amoral political machinations “fixing” implies.