Indian Launches Six-Part Custom Build Series on New Scout

Indian is producing a new online video series featuring three custom builds using the new Scout as the starting base. Each build draws inspiration from Indian Scouts from the past, while showcasing the new model’s potential as a platform for customization.

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This Week's Motorcycle Gear Deals

–We’re constantly on the look for great deals on motorcycle gear. We’ll be updating this post each week with the latest sales on gear and accessories, so keep checking here for new deals.

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2022 Indian FTR1200 Hooligan Race Bike – First Ride

“I like the idea of racing things that were never meant to be raced.” – Roland Sands

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Functional Fashion: The Best Leather Motorcycle Jackets

If there’s a piece of apparel most associated with motorcycling, it’s undoubtedly the leather motorcycle jacket. The leather jacket is part of our uniform, but even non-riders search the bins for cowhide when it’s time to dress up for Halloween, or down for any occasion that calls for cool. No matter what you ride, the best leather motorcycle jackets are versatile enough to look at home nearly anywhere, and on nearly anything. A premium leather jacket will never go out of style, and the more you wear a quality one, the more comfortable it will feel – there’s just something about leather that other materials can’t match. Bountiful and ubiquitous, with seemingly endless options to choose from, it would be impossible for us to feature every single jacket out there. So here we’ve gathered a small sampling of the best leather motorcycle jackets the market has to offer, listed in alphabetical order.

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The RSD Moto Bay Classic Photo Recap

“Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes, the ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things. They push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

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Moto Beach Classic Brings Motorcycle Racing To The Beach!

Motorcycle luminary Roland Sands has long dreamed about bringing motorcycle racing to the heart of mainstream suburban SoCal, and the culmination of his work goes off this Saturday in a unique collision of moto and surf culture at Bolsa Chica beach, just north of Huntington Beach and south of Long Beach. Its promoters promise “a wave-shredding, fuel burning, hard-rocking extravaganza.”

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Roland Sands Design Gets Technical

An informal little get together last night at Roland Sands Design in Los Alamitos, California, is where the 2016 Spring collection of Roland Sands apparel was on display. Among the custom two-wheel fabrications and a taco stand hung the full-line variety of stylish biker wear. Punctuating the new offerings is an uptick in technical functionality, as well as an expanding variety of products.

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Top 10 Thrilling Things at Superprestigio of the Americas #1

The AMA Pro Flat Track final was already scheduled for November 20 in Las Vegas, so veteran race promoter Steve McLaughlin had the brilliant idea – as he is wont to do – of promoting the first Superprestigio of the Americas the night after it. The SP’s been a big hit in Spain, so why not? None of your big MotoGP stars could be persuaded, but they did lure Tony Elias and Ant West to the boat, both of whom found themselves hard-pressed up against some surprising home-grown talent. The roadracers actually had their own “All-Stars” races, and the top three were then thrown in against the Flat Track professionals for the Superprestigio Main. Then there was the Hooligan race, sponsored and populated by Roland Sands and associates riding barely modified streetbikes. It was almost more thrilling than the Professionals. Okay not thrilling, more interesting maybe…

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RSD Enzo Jacket Review

When I was a kid, my two favorite stores in the mall were the tobacconist and the leather shop. They just smelled so damned manly. I’d step in to either one just to inhale the heady, grown-up aroma of machismo, chivalry and courage, smells that would transport my 10-year-old self to a world still beyond the grasp of a Toughskins-wearing fifth-grader, a world where guys drank beer out of cans, held doors open for ladies and had a perpetual trace of grease under their nails.

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