What Motorcycle Are You Surprised is Still In Production? – QotD

Dennis Chung
by Dennis Chung

"Great fury, like great whiskey, requires long fermentation." —Truman Capote

Here at MO, we always do our best to bring our readers information about all the latest new motorcycles. Of course, not every motorcycle gets updated every year, and all manufacturers bring back several models from the prior year, often with a fresh paint scheme or a slight price adjustment. These so-called carry-over models don’t get the same attention as the newest and latest, but they’re an important part of the motorcycle industry.

That said, every now and then, a press release about carry-over models comes in from a manufacturer including a bike that we’re surprised is still in production. The poster child for this, and a bit of an inside joke for us on the MO team, is the Honda Fury.

The Fury was first introduced for the 2010 model year, and with the exception of 2021, it has remained a part of American Honda’s lineup every year. Do people still buy them? We assume they must, if Honda continues to sell them, but let’s be honest: the Fury came in just as the chopper craze was fading.

And yet, we still break a small cheer each year when Honda announces bold new colors for the Fury (Adventure Green for 2024, if you must know).

So, for our Question of the Day, we ask: what motorcycle are you surprised to see is still in production?

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Dennis Chung
Dennis Chung

Dennis has been a part of the Motorcycle.com team since 2008, and through his tenure, has developed a firm grasp of industry trends, and a solid sense of what's to come. A bloodhound when it comes to tracking information on new motorcycles, if there's a new model on the horizon, you'll probably hear about it from him first.

More by Dennis Chung

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