How to Clean a Motorcycle Windshield
Taking care of your motorcycle’s windshield is one of the easier maintenance items that all riders face and something handled routinely. As simple as it might be, several common mistakes can cause vision or durability issues, and we don’t want that for a safety-related item like windshields. In this article, we’ll review how to clean your motorcycle windshield properly so you’ll never think twice about getting the job done right.
Weekend Awesome - Flying Debris Takes Out Windscreen
This week’s video is a lesson in the dangers of road debris, and the importance of wearing safety gear. A rider traveling down the Costa Mesa Freeway was in for a shock when a rear tire on car ahead of him kicked up a piece of wood, sending it flying right towards him. The rider had little time to react as the two-by-four spins in the air towards him, striking his bike’s windscreen and knocking it clean off.