Zero Files DSR/X and FXE Trademarks

Zero Motorcycles has filed trademark applications for the names “Zero DSR/X” and “Zero FXE“. As usual, trademark filings don’t provide too many clues about their potential use, but we suspect the names will be for more off-road focused versions of the DSR and FX.
The two trademark applications were filed Aug. 12 with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for use with “Electric motorcycles; Motorcycles and structural parts therefor; Motorcycles for motocross”. The motocross reference may seem notable at first, but this is word-for-word the same description Zero used when filing for the names of the DS and DSR dual-sports. In other words, don’t expect these to be for electric motocross racebikes.
The slash-X in “DSR/X” does imply a more off-road worthy version of the DSR. This past fall, Zero introduced the DSR Black Forest to the U.S. Previously available in Europe before arriving stateside, the DSR/BF was essentially a DSR outfitted as an adventure-tourer with the addition of three lockable hard cases, accessory bars and hand guards. The Black Forest DSR used 19-inch cast wheels, however, instead of 21-inch wire spoke wheels typically expected of a more off-roady ADV. That’s where the DSR/X might fit in.
The “E” in “FXE” is a little less telling as it could stand for a number of things (well, except for “electric” as that would be rather redundant.) The FX is already a suitable Enduro machine, but perhaps the E pushes it more in that direction with less focus on street riding. Zero hasn’t really had a dedicated off-road bike since the MX in 2013.
In the last few years, Zero has made great strides with its streetbike lineup, including the addition of its first faired sportbike, the SR/S. The company’s origins, however, are in electric dirtbikes, and a return to those roots might be timely. According to the Motorcycle Industry Council, off-highway motorcycle sales in the U.S. were up 50.3% over the first six months of 2020 while streetbike sales declined 6.9%.
Of course, we’re just speculating from our armchair here, using the information available and what we know of Zero’s existing lineup. We’ll have to wait for an official announcement from Zero to learn more about the DSR/X and FXE.
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Dennis has been a part of the team since 2008, and through his tenure, has developed a firm grasp of industry trends, and a solid sense of what's to come. A bloodhound when it comes to tracking information on new motorcycles, if there's a new model on the horizon, you'll probably hear about it from him first.
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As I was reading the title I thought it was about to say “Zero files for bankruptcy.”
I didn't finish the article. I lost interest quickly in the tedious trivia of it.